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The Charlotte Mason Show | A Homeschool Podcast

Mar 14, 2022

As we prepare for season six of The Charlotte Mason Show, we are bringing back a few of our most popular episodes in a midseason mini-series!

In this podcast, Julie talks with Leah Boden about:

- How she came to the simplicity of Charlotte Mason’s methods

- Ways to face the challenges of comparing your homeschool to...

Mar 7, 2022

As we prepare for season six of The Charlotte Mason Show, we are bringing back a few of our most popular episodes in a midseason mini-series!  Don't miss this week's replay with Cindy West of Our Journey Westward.

Cindy West helps us to understand the connection between brain training and a Charlotte Mason education. In...

Mar 2, 2022

Join Julie Ross and Shay Kemp as they discuss the end of Chapter 3 of A Philosophy of Education by Charlotte Mason.

Host biography

Julie H. Ross believes that every child needs a feast of living ideas to grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. As a former school teacher, curriculum coordinator, and assistant...